
UK parliamentarians urge action to prevent genocide

Members of the British parliament, Lord Alton and Baroness Cox, have written to the UK Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief, Rehman Chishti MP, urging him to investigate the continuing Islamist attacks on Christians in Nigeria and to ensure that the UK does what it can to prevent a genocide.


The peers’ letter dated 6 August 2020 comes in response to the report by the APPG for International Freedom of Religion or Belief, ‘Nigeria: Unfolding Genocide?’, which raises serious concerns about the scale of human suffering in Nigeria and the need for an urgent response.


They urge the special envoy to “consider how you can shine a light on these mounting crimes against humanity, undoubtedly predicated by a hatred of people who refuse to renounce their religious beliefs”. 


The signatories say the UK should use its seat at the UN Security Council to seek a resolution, which significantly enhances the security given to communities at risk of attack, and for signatories of the 1948 Genocide Convention – including the UK – to fulfil their obligations.


Click on the pdf for the full text of the letter.

Letter to Rehman Chishti MP
Letter to Rehman Chishti MP_Aug 2020.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB