
CSI signs concerned groups’ SOS letter on Nigeria
protests · 27. December 2021
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) has joined more than a dozen concerned groups and individuals in signing a letter to United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressing dismay over the removal of Nigeria from the list of countries of particular concern (CPC) in matters of religious freedom.

Plateau State Christians in Politics Prayer Partners: "Our Leaders Take the Side of the Oppressor"
protests · 07. September 2021
On the 20th anniversary of the Jos massacre, Christian leaders from Plateau State speak out against the Nigerian government's unequitable response to religious violence in their state.

protests · 23. September 2020
CSI's International President Dr John Eibner has written to President Muhammadu Buhari expressing "grave concern" about the rising tide of sectarian and ethnic based violence in Nigeria’s Middle Belt,

protests · 16. September 2020
Baroness Caroline Cox has sent a letter to Patricia Scotland QC highlighting urgent concerns about escalating violence in Nigeria.

protests · 19. August 2020
Members of the British parliament, Lord Alton and Baroness Cox, have written to the UK Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief, Rehman Chishti MP, urging him to investigate the continuing Islamist attacks on Christians in Nigeria.