
VIDEO - While Luka Binniyat was in prison, his hometown was attacked

On 4 November 2021, the Christian journalist and human rights activist Luka Binniyat was arrested for a report he had written about a massacre of Christians in his home state of Kaduna. He was charged with “cyberstalking” and held in prison for three months, before he was finally released on bail.

He was finally released on 3 February 2022. But just as he was being released, his hometown, Zaman Dabo (Kurmin Masara community, Zagon Kataf LGA, Kaduna state) was attacked by Fulani militias. Several of his relatives were killed, and the community's population of about 5,000 people were displaced.

On 2 March, Luka took a delegation from Christian Solidarity International (CSI) and Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) to his now-deserted home compound.

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