Posts tagged with "Bauchi"

Christian woman accused of blasphemy ‘traumatized’ in jail - pastor
Latest news · 09. February 2023
Rev. Ishaku Dano, a pastor in Nigeria’s Bauchi State, says the life of Christian health worker Rhoda Ya’u Jatau is in danger, writes Masara Kim. Jatau has been imprisoned since May 2022 for allegedly blaspheming against the Prophet Muhammad.

Husband of Christian woman imprisoned for blasphemy: "I have not slept since she was arrested."
Latest news · 03. November 2022
Rhoda Ya’u Jatau, 45, has been held by the Bauchi State authorities since 20 May on allegations of blasphemy. For close to six months, her husband Ya’u Adamu has endured the pain of his wife's incarceration, writes Masara Kim.

In Bauchi State, another blasphemy allegation leads to violence
Latest news · 24. May 2022
Just over a week after the brutal murder of a Christian college student in Sokoto, Muslim residents attacked Christians in Katanga, Bauchi state. As in Deborah Samuel’s case, locals accused a female Christian health worker, Rhoda Ya’u, of blaspheming the Prophet Mohammed, following a comment she made in a government employee WhatsApp group. According to witnesses, the accusation prompted more than 200 teenagers, led by a few adults, to gather to attack Ya'u.