Posts tagged with "Benue"

President Buhari “turning a blind eye” to massacres of Christians in Benue
Latest news · 15. November 2022
A wave of deadly attacks on Christian villages in Benue State has left hundreds dead and many more homeless. Mark Gbilla, a member of the Nigerian House of Representatives, says the region is under siege from Islamic extremists, but President Buhari is not concerned, writes Masara Kim.

In Plateau State, infant loses arm to terrorists’ bullet after his family is killed
Latest news · 16. August 2022
In an amenity ward of the Vom Christian hospital, four-month-old David Pam slept peacefully in a baby bed on the morning of 14 August, unaware of the fate that had befallen him. Two weeks earlier, on 31 July, Islamic terrorists identified as members of the Fulani tribe attacked his village of Danda Chugwi, 15 miles southwest of Jos, and killed almost his entire family. His right arm was severed by the terrorists’ bullet in an attack that has been condemned as ‘callous’ by local officials.

Violence in Nigeria: At least 615 killed in first three weeks of 2022
Latest news · 24. January 2022
From January 1 to January 21, at least 615 people have been reported as murdered by ‘bandits’, ‘herdsmen’, ‘gunmen’ and ‘Fulani’ militants, and at least 231 known persons were abducted by the aforementioned. Approximately 13,050 Nigerian people have been displaced from their homes due to the violence. These statistics have been aggregated from reports in both the international and local Nigerian press.

Governor Ortom: “The attempt on my life strengthens my resolve to fight on behalf of my people”
27. October 2021
In an interview with Nigeria Report. Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue States talks about the raids by Fulani militias that have killed hundreds and forced 1.5 million people to flee their homes and his resolve to resist this evil.