Posts tagged with "Blinken"

Open letter calls on Sec. Blinken to help free Nigerian woman jailed for blasphemy
press releases · 13. December 2022
On 13 December 2022, a large coalition of religious freedom and human rights organizations, experts and practitioners released an open letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, asking him to intervene on behalf of Rhoda Ya’u Jatau, a Nigerian Christian woman imprisoned while waiting trial for blasphemy.

CSI signs call to reinstate Nigeria on US CPC list
Latest news · 20. September 2022
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) has joined other humanitarian organisations in calling on the US to reinstate Nigeria on its list of countries of particular concern (CPC).

Christian Solidarity International Calls on Blinken to Pursue Justice for Lynched Nigerian Student
press releases · 19. May 2022
Today, Dr. John Eibner, the president of Christian Solidarity International, wrote to U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken about last week’s lynching of Deborah Samuel Yakubu, a 25-year-old Christian student, by a mob of Muslim supremacists in Sokoto, Nigeria. Deborah, Eibner told the Secretary of State, “was hunted down, beaten and set on fire in broad daylight, undefended by the security officers who were present. Deborah died because of a rumor that she had insulted Islam.”

“A silent genocide is going on against Christian communities in Southern Kaduna”
Latest news · 24. February 2022
Interview with Jonathan Asake, President of the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union. For seven years, Christian communities in the south of Nigeria’s Kaduna State have been under increasing attack by Fulani Muslim militias. Massacres, kidnappings, and forced displacements have taken place on a massive scale. CSI recently spoke to Jonathan Asake, president of the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union, which is working to draw attention to this hidden crisis.

CSI signs concerned groups’ SOS letter on Nigeria
protests · 27. December 2021
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) has joined more than a dozen concerned groups and individuals in signing a letter to United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressing dismay over the removal of Nigeria from the list of countries of particular concern (CPC) in matters of religious freedom.

CSI statement on State Dept.'s removal of Nigeria from watchlist
press releases · 23. November 2021
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) notes with grave concern the U.S. State Department’s decision to remove the Federal Republic of Nigeria from the U.S. list of “Countries of Particular Concern” (CPC) with regards to religious freedom. “Removing this largely symbolic sign of concern is a brazen denial of reality and indicates that the U.S. intends to pursue its interests in western Africa through an alliance with Nigeria’s security elite, at the expense of Christians."

Rev. Gideon Para-Mallam: A personal reaction to Nigeria's removal from the CPC list
press releases · 23. November 2021
The culture of denial when it comes to religious persecution by this present government in Nigeria has blindfolded the US government, writes Rev Dr Gideo Para-Mallam.

The recent US removal of Nigeria from the religious freedom blacklist
Videos · 23. November 2021
Dr Onyemaechi Franklyne Ogbunwezeh interviewed on NewsBand TV about the decision of the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to delist Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern under the International Religious Freedom Act.

Blinken: Nigeria's delisting based on facts
Videos · 22. November 2021
Dr Onyemaechi Franklyne Ogbunwezeh interviewed on Arise TV about the decision of the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to delist Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern under the International Religious Freedom Act.

CSI calls on U.S. Secretary of State to engage with victims of atrocities on Nigeria visit
press releases · 17. November 2021
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) has written to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken ahead of his visit to Nigeria on 18 November 2021, to highlight the imminent risk of genocide in the African country and urge him to engage with victims of human rights abuses there. In his letter dated 17 November 2021, CSI International President Dr John Eibner warned that the Nigerian government was failing in its duty to protect its citizens amid growing insecurity and sectarian violence.