Posts tagged with "Gombe"

Violence in Nigeria: At least 615 killed in first three weeks of 2022
Latest news · 24. January 2022
From January 1 to January 21, at least 615 people have been reported as murdered by ‘bandits’, ‘herdsmen’, ‘gunmen’ and ‘Fulani’ militants, and at least 231 known persons were abducted by the aforementioned. Approximately 13,050 Nigerian people have been displaced from their homes due to the violence. These statistics have been aggregated from reports in both the international and local Nigerian press.

Christian nursing mother jailed following peaceful protest
Latest news · 29. June 2021
Grace Timothy from northeastern Gombe State has spent four months in jail with her one-year-old child for an alleged offence that has yet to be tried, writes Masara Kim.