Posts tagged with "freedom of expression"

CSI urges Amnesty International to join in calling for release of Luka Binniyat
Latest news · 21. December 2021
Christian Solidarity International (CSI) has appealed to Amnesty International to join in calling the Nigerian authorities to free detained Nigerian journalist and human rights activist Luka Binniyat. Binniyat was jailed in November after reporting on Fulani militia attacks against Christian communities in Kaduna State.

Abuja protest demands the immediate and unconditional release of Luka Binniyat
Latest news · 20. December 2021
The Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU), has called on the Kaduna State government to immediately and unconditionally release detained journalist and human rights activist Luka Binniyat. The call came at a protest march which took place at the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) council headquarters in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, on Saturday 18 December 2021.