
“They came killing and destroying” - Survivors recall devastating attack on Southern Kaduna village

Southern Kaduna State has been at the forefront of attacks by Fulani militants in recent months. On 26 September 2021 alone 34 people were killed when suspected Fulani herdsmen invaded the mainly Christian village of Madamai in Kaura local government area. At least seven others sustained injuries.


The Catholic diocese of Kafanchan, Southern Kaduna, is helping survivors of this and earlier attacks on Christian villagers. The relief work is supported by Christian Solidarity International (CSI).


Two of the victims tell their stories below.

A Christian victim of a Fulani attack on Madamai recalls being shot and seeing his house burnt down
Linus Akau was shot and injured in the attack by Fulani militants on Madamai @csi

Linus Akau


I am 38 years old, Kataf by tribe and a Christian by religion. I am married with five children. My profession is farming.


The Fulani herdsmen numbering about 100 came heavily armed. After taking positions they started shooting and burning houses. People started running and seeking shelter. We too started running for cover. I was shot on my right leg but I managed to escape and was taken to Nakowa hospital the following day. My house was among those that were burnt down, along with all our belongings and foodstuffs. However, I thank God nobody from my family was killed or injured apart from me.



We have never had a misunderstanding with the Fulani people in our area, but they came killing, destroying and displacing us because they want to graze their animals on our farmlands. This is the second time they have attacked our village. Our greatest dismay is the fact that the government has not provided security for us, we are left on our own. There is so much fear and tension in the community and because of this, a number of men, women and children have sought refuge either in neighbouring villages or with relations elsewhere.

A victim of a Fulani attack on Madamai, Southern Kaduna
Christopher Galadima's brother's family were killed by Fulani militants in an attack on Madamai, Southern Kaduna @csi

Christopher Galadima


I am 51 years old, married with seven children, a farmer by profession and the chairman of St. Francis Catholic Church Madamai.


In this attack my younger brother’s family was annihilated, 14 of them in the family were killed, and the house burnt to ashes with everything that they owned. It is so devastating that the whole village is still in mourning for these losses. I find it difficult to live a normal life now because of what has happened to my brother’s family.


The attackers were Fulani people that we live with; we know them and they know us very well. We have no history of any misunderstanding with them, only to be visited with this evil. Those that were killed were given a mass burial and the injured were taken to the hospital. All we want from government is to provide us with security so that we can live peacefully in our village and continue with our farming. Since the attack the government has not provided any security for the community. 


Read more victims' stories here.

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