
Joint Petition about Nigeria to UN Special Advisor for Genocide Prevention Goes Unanswered

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and his Special Advisor for the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and his Special Advisor for Genocide Prevention, Alice Wairimu Nderitu.

Christian Solidarity International warns of “genocide occurring in increments” in Nigeria

ZURICH – Today, Dr. John Eibner, the president of Christian Solidarity International (CSI), wrote to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urging the UN to fulfill its mandate to prevent genocide in Nigeria. Eibner also expressed his concern about the lack of a reply to a joint petition about Nigeria delivered to Alice Wairimu Nderitu, his Special Advisor for Genocide Prevention, five weeks ago.


The confidential petition, which concerned the escalating violence against Christians in Nigeria, was delivered in person on 21 June by a delegation led by Reverend Dr. Gideon Para-Mallam. It was signed by Christian Solidarity International and thirteen other human rights defenders and representatives of NGOs active on the ground in Nigeria.


“We are all united in our belief,” the petition stated, that “those of the Christian faith who have for over a decade been singled out for severe persecution, are presently facing an existential threat.”


The petition asked the Special Advisor to “use all the facilities available through your office to prevent or stop genocide and other atrocity crimes against Christians in Nigeria.” It included detailed supporting documentation about the persecution of Nigerian Christians, provided by seven of the petition signers.


Five weeks later, the Office of the Secretary General still has not responded.


In light of this silence, the petition signers decided unanimously to make the petition public. (See below). CSI has taken the additional step of addressing a public letter to the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, about the matter.


“Nigeria now stands at the threshold of Genocide,” Dr. Eibner warned in his letter. “Further silence and inaction will leave the impression that the UN is unable or unwilling to fulfill its mandate when confronted with atrocity crimes of the highest magnitude.”


In December 2020, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court reported that there was “reasonable basis” to believe that sectarian terrorist groups in Nigeria and the Nigerian Armed Forces have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. CSI issued a Genocide Warning for Nigeria in January 2020.

The other NGOs which signed the petition include: the Christian Association of Nigeria, the Gideon and Funmi Para-Mallam Peace Foundation, the International Committee on Nigeria, the Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria, the Overseas Fellowship of Nigerian Christians, Baroness Caroline Cox for the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust, the Leah Foundation, the Nigerian Evangelical Fellowship, the International Organisation for Peace and Social Justice, and the Observatory of Religious Freedom in Africa.


Contact: Joel Veldkamp

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Joint Petition to the UN Special Advisor for Genocide Prevention, Alice Wairimu Nderitu
Petition to the UN 21 June 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 591.0 KB
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Dr. John Eibner's letter to the UN Secretary General
Eibner - Guterres Nigeria 27-07-2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 113.6 KB
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CSI's Supporting Documentation for the Petition
CSI Answered Questionnaire.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB

Write a comment

Comments: 3
  • #1

    Chollom Gyang (Wednesday, 27 July 2022 11:28)

    Nigeria's genocide is state-sponsored, anchored on deliberate attempt at Islamising the entire country and handing over the remnants to the Fulani terrorists.

  • #2

    Rotimi Olokodana (Wednesday, 10 August 2022 01:59)

    We need the urgent intervention of the UN before we are wiped out of existence.

  • #3

    Maureen O. A (Wednesday, 07 December 2022)

    Yes, the persecution, wanton killings and other violent mechanisms launched against christians by religious extremists, especially in the northern parts of Nigeria require immediate attention and urgent intervention by global offices and bodies responsible for protecting human rights.